Class DateMapper

  extended bynet.sf.colle.xml.Mapper
      extended bynet.sf.colle.xml.DateMapper

class DateMapper
extends Mapper

Maps java.util.Date objects. Created: 15 Jul 2003

$Revision: 1.1 $, $Date: 2003/07/16 20:20:18 $
Dwayne Schultz

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class net.sf.colle.xml.Mapper
Constructor Summary
(package private) DateMapper()
          Constructs a mapper with the parent mapper.
Method Summary
protected  void map(org.jdom.Element pxParent, Object pxObject, Set pxPaths, String psPath)
          Maps the object into a DOM document.
Methods inherited from class net.sf.colle.xml.Mapper
map, map, map, map, map, map, map, map, map, mapCollection
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


Constructs a mapper with the parent mapper. Sub-class mappers should defer mapping of child objects to the parent mapper.

Method Detail


protected void map(org.jdom.Element pxParent,
                   Object pxObject,
                   Set pxPaths,
                   String psPath)
Maps the object into a DOM document. This version is usually used by generated mappers because it allows the caller to specify the path to the object being mapped. This is important to determine if children objects and expensive attributes should be mapped.

Specified by:
map in class Mapper
pxParent - parent element to add new elements onto
pxObject - object being mapped
pxPaths - paths to each explicitly requested object
psPath - xpath to the current object