Uses of Class

Packages that use Column

Uses of Column in net.sf.colle.sql.schema

Methods in net.sf.colle.sql.schema with parameters of type Column
(package private)  void Table.setPrimaryKey(Column pxColumn)
          Defines the column as part of the primary key.
(package private)  void Table.addIndex(String psName, boolean pbUnique, Column pxColumn)
          Constructs and adds the index to the list of indexes.
(package private)  void Table.addForeignKey(String psName, org.jdom.Element pxData, Column pxColumn)
          Constructs and adds the foreign key to the list of foreign keys.
(package private)  void Index.appendColumn(Column pxColumn)
          Appends a column that is part of the index
(package private)  void ForeignKey.appendColumn(Column pxColumn, org.jdom.Element pxData)
          Appends a column that is part of the index.