Uses of Interface

Packages that use FormElement

Uses of FormElement in net.sf.colle.forms

Classes in net.sf.colle.forms that implement FormElement
 class Form
          This class define the root of a form.
 class FormList
          This class allows form elements to repeat.
 class FormSet
          Manages a finite set of information the user can choose from.
 class Number
          FormElement implementation for numbers.
 class Structure
          This class defines a grouping of form elements.
 class Text
          This class is the text element within a form structure.

Methods in net.sf.colle.forms that return FormElement
 FormElement Structure.getElement(String psName)
          Returns a form element by it's name.

Methods in net.sf.colle.forms with parameters of type FormElement
 void Structure.add(FormElement pxElement)
          Appends the specified element to the end of this list.

Constructors in net.sf.colle.forms with parameters of type FormElement
Text(String psName, Object pxApplicationElement, FormElement pxParent, String psDefaultValue, boolean pbRequired, int pnMinLength, int pnMaxLength)
          Create a new text element.
Structure(String psName, Object pxApplicationElement, FormElement pxParent)
          Create a new structure element.
Number(String psName, Object pxApplicationElement, FormElement pxParent, String psDefaultValue, boolean pbRequired, double pnMinValue, double pnMaxValue)
          Create a new number form element.
FormSet(String psName, Object pxApplicationElement, FormElement pxParent, boolean pbDataBinding)
          Create a new FormSet element.
FormList(String psName, Object pxApplicationElement, FormElement pxParent, Class pxContainedClass)
          Creates a new FormList that will contain form structures.

Uses of FormElement in net.sf.colle.forms.test

Constructors in net.sf.colle.forms.test with parameters of type FormElement
TestForm.Car(FormElement pxParent)
          Create a new car structure element.
TestForm.State(FormElement pxParent)
          Create a new state FormSet element.
TestForm.Color(FormElement pxParent)
          Create a new color FormSet element.