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New Job, New Opportunities Monday, January 19, 2004 08:00 MST
Posted Sunday, March 07, 2004 22:42 MST

Once again I am changing jobs. Finally, I am getting back to a software oriented company. I hold nothing against the financial industry but I think I will be better understood at the new job.

While at my previous job, I was able to work Project Colle into one project that is nearing production. It's a simple financial calculator on the company's public web site and I will include a link when the remaining hurdles are cleared.

Dwayne Schultz


Much Progress, Docs Lag Thursday, July 24, 2003 23:18 MDT

First of all, my apologies for not keeping everyone up to date. My family and I have recently moved back to Colorado, USA. The good news is I have a new job in Colorado working for a company that is very eagerly using Project Colle.

This means that much of the functionality (Colle-Web and Colle-Forms) has been completed along with a slew of new features. Everything is accessible through CVS but I can only imagine that it will be practically unusable without some documentation and a packaged release. Hopefully I can fix this in the coming weeks.

Dwayne Schultz


Colle-Mid is Checked-In! Wednesday, April 23, 2003 17:25 PST

In preparation for Colle v0.2, Colle-Mid has just been committed to CVS. As with v0.1, we are announcing it here before the documentation and packaging are done so everyone can see it as soon as possible. Here is the SourceForge.net how-to for connecting to the CVS server anonymously.


Colle v0.1.1 Hits the Press! Wednesday, February 26, 2003 17:25 PST

Download it here! As promised, version 0.1.1 is only the data abstraction layer (Colle-SQL). You can read more about Colle-SQL here. We inadvertently left two third-party libraries out of 0.1. This the only change to version 0.1.

Let us know what you think.


Colle v0.1 Hits the Press! Tuesday, February 25, 2003 10:46 PST

Download it here! As promised, version 0.1 is only the data abstraction layer (Colle-SQL). You can read more about Colle-SQL here.

Let us know what you think.


Colle v0.1 Coming Soon! Friday, January 18, 2003 11:37 PST

That's right! Colle v0.1 has just been committed to CVS but the docs aren't quite ready. If you want a sneak peek, you can download the source with an anonymous connection to the CVS server. Here is a quick how-to for connecting to the CVS server anonymously.

Version 0.1 will only have the data abstraction layer (Colle-SQL). As soon as some documentation is complete we will package everything up and announce it here.