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What is Project Colle?

Project Colle is an application framework written in Java and XML. It is the reusable portions of several successful web applications that we have developed over the past couple of years.

Project Colle is made up of several sub-systems. Each sub-system uses a common pattern to solve different problems. This common pattern uses XML files to describe an interface, typically to another non-Java world such as a relational database or web client. From these XML 'interfaces', Project Colle will generate reams of common code and other useful application files. With this code, all you are left to do is 'glue' your application together (colle is the French word for glue).



News, OAS / OC4J Support Friday, December 17, 2004 00:19 MST

Oracle may not have the most popular app server out there, but OAS is the app server of choice at my current place of employment. Enjoy!


0.9.7, The Quick Start just got quicker Wednesday, December 01, 2004 23:50 MST

This release is all about ease of use. 700 lines of ant script have been replaced by five ant task. You may also notice the distribution is about half the size of the previous release. By default, the new ant tasks use the Xalan and Xerces included in most modern JREs. At the same time, we can now support more diverse environments (back to JDK 1.2, ant 1.4, and any XML Schema aware JAXP parser).


0.9 Posted Sunday, March 07, 2004 23:14 MST

From 0.1.1 to 0.9? What sort of versioning is going one here? Well, despite the lack of releases we were busy adding features to Project Colle and version 0.9 reflects that we are nearing the feature set of the 1.0 release.

New features added since the previous release include Colle-Mid, Colle-Web and Colle-Forms. Colle-SQL also received numerous bug fixes and enhancements that are detailed in the release notes. We have also done away with separate source and binary packaging. The distribution files contain both source and binary files.

Before we get to 1.0, there are two big TODOs: 1) Cocoon-style internationalization support and 2) better JAXB integration.


Colle-SQL Call for Support Monday, February 24, 2003 15:20 PST

With the eminent release of Colle-SQL, now is when we really need some support from the open source community. Top of the TODO: list is supporting more relational database systems. Following that we need to beef up the test suite in net.sf.colle.sql.test.TestCodeGenerator. Please send me an email if you are interested.

Dwayne Schultz


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